10 December 2012

2011 - Friday, July 15

Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan
July 14 - 22
  • We ended up waking up around 8:30 or so, not feeling so great from the night before. We had breakfast and then left the hotel.
  • As we drove north from Milwaukee via I-43, we stopped for food and supplies (148$).  From there, we continued driving to Green Bay and had lunch and beers at Titletown Brewing Company.  The food was good and the server was really friendly but the beer didn't have a lot of flavor.  Brad had the Apricot Ale and Nick had the Once Hopped Pale Ale.
  • From the brewery, we went to Lambeau Field. We weren't expecting to have some sort of access or see lots of people there, but that's pretty much what we found.  Kudos to the Pack...we found lots of people taking tours and shopping at the gift shop.  We got Nick's brother Lucas a set of Packers playing cards, and Carrie & Adam a dog tag for Marley, the ever-loving Poodle.
  • From Green Bay, we continued our drive toward Peninsula State Park in Door County, the peninsula county east of Green Bay.  The drive was really nice; we were surrounded by farmland and rolling hills with the quite frequent farms with their barns and grain silos throughout the trek.  
  • As the drive progressed, we went through Sturgeon Bay, Egg Harbor, and Fish Creek.  All the towns we drove through were craft-oriented (meaning, old people)
  • Once we reached Peninsula State Park a couple hours later, we secured one of the seven remaining campsites (of 468) and set up camp.  Camping was 7$ entry, 17$ for camping, 3$ for "water view," and = 27$.
  • At PSP, we checked out the lighthouse, Eagle Tower, and the beach.  Once on the beach, the ranger expressed interest in taking our Point Beer, but it turned out he was just joking...and really liked Point Beer.
  • We had a few beers (at Point Brewery and otherwise), and then cooked dinner, then called it a night.  
  • BOD: New Glarus Double IPA (YUM!!!!!!), Central Waters Glacial Trail IPA, Point Nude Beach Summer Wheat, Point Lager
  • Dinner: Chicken feta brats, kielbasa and slaw
  • Mileage: 10690 total; 230 miles today

02 November 2012

2011 - Thursday, July 14

Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan
July 14 - 22

  • We flew into Milwaukee for this trip, getting in around 9:30 PM. After picking up the rental car (a Kia Sportage) we headed to the hotel (Hampton Inn) downtown.  Checked into the hotel around 10:30 and set to work finding a couple breweries to check out.
  • We ended up going to Milwaukee Ale House (Milwaukee Brewing Co) where we had some really great beers: Pullchain (pale) and Louie's Demise (amber).  The bar was pretty big, with two outdoor patios.  We had three rounds there, then went back toward the hotel via the Riverwalk. We hadn't eaten since lunch and we were both pretty hungry and on the lookout for any place selling food. By this time it was well after midnight, so there wasn't any to be found.
  • Stopped at Mo's Irish Pub for a beer.  Seemed like a real skanky place with some questionable customers. We sat outside and had a couple beers. Soon after sitting down, a 25 year old blond named Katie came up and sat down at our table. We ended up hanging out with her and her boyfriend, who was shipping out to Iraq the next day.  We drank beers till about 2 or 2:30 AM then called it a night and went back to the room to crash.

15 December 2011

Cancun, Mexico

Zoetry Resort
April 2011

We had a great time last year, so we decided this year to make a return trip to Zoetry with Carrie and Adam, and Laura and Tony. Sitting by the pool, being waited on hand and foot, catamaranning, and drinking endless amounts of booze are just a few reasons why.

Some highlights:

14 August 2011

Phoenix, Arizona (Spring Training 2011)

Spring Training 2011
Mesa/Glendale/Scottsdale, AZ

Spring Training started this year with a flight into Phoenix. Once we got our rental car, we headed straight to HoHoKam Park for the first game of the weekend vs the Indians (W).

The next day was a game in Glendale against the White Sox (W).

After the game, we went for a hike.

That evening, we went to Olive & Ivy in Scottsdale with Lisa and met Tim there and had a few (too many) drinks.

The following day was a game against the Reds (L).

09 July 2011

Death Valley National Park

Death Valley National Park
February 24-27

  • Nick arrived in Las Vegas and met up with Brad at the airport. Brad had been in the city since earlier that week on a work trip. We rented a car and drove to the Mandalay Bay, where we would be staying the night.
  • Once settled in the hotel, we went in search of food. We ended up having a sandwich and a couple beers at Burger Bar, then went to the casino, where we proceeded to play slots and video poker for a while as we drank on some cocktails. We both slowly but steadily lost money...but just enough at a time to make you feel like it could be won back at any moment (no). After losing for some time, we went to the bar and sat down, where the bartender explained how to lose money at Keno...which we did. Brad wanted to play roulette one more time to try his luck, but again, it didn't work in his favor. Drunk and tired of losing, we went back to the room and crashed for the night.
  • We both woke up hungover. After showering, we went to the breakfast buffet and gorged on eggs, lox, bagels, bacon, French toast, fruit and potatoes (I think that's all). Once sufficiently stuffed, we checked out of the hotel and began the drive out of the city. We stopped at Wal Mart for a lantern, then went to Smith's for grocery items and got food for camping (74$).
  • The drive north from Vegas via US 95 was pretty uneventful, as there really isn't much to look at as you're flying through the desert. Mountain ranges followed the highway for a while. From Amargosa Valley, we took NV 374 south into California, then just about 10-15 more miles into Death Valley (click on link for the park website). We paid the entrance fee (20$) then went on to the Furnace Creek area (the most visited area of the park). Before getting there, though, we stopped at Zabriskie Point, an overlook in the south of the park. Winds were gusting at around 40-50 mph, making it hard to breathe, let alone walk standing up straight. At Furnace Creek Visitor Center, we checked on camping options. The ranger gave us a few tips on where to go. We knew a fire was not going to be a consideration because of the winds, so we opted to eat at the cafe there instead.
  • After eating, we went to the Stovepipe Wells area. On the way, we stopped at Eureka Sand Dunes and walked into the desert a bit...and then a sandstorm (one of many) hit - and we were bombarded with driving sand. Quite an experience. We got a campsite once at Stovepipe - an unimpressive campground littered with RVs. Winds at this point were extremely high, and we had concerns about the tent not only staying up, but blowing away (with us in or out of it). Every time the wind gusted (and it was often), the front of the tent was practically flat on the ground. We went across the street to check on rooms at the motel, but there was no vacancy there. The clerk mentioned going to Beatty, NV - a small town across the border, about 30 miles away - but this wasn't really an option at this point. It was getting dark and very cold, and still extremely windy. We finally got the tent to stay up and then put the cover on it and strapped it down. It was much more stable then, but still, throughout the night, wind gusts put the top of the tent down on our faces, sand blowing through every hole and crack in the screen and canvas.
  • When we woke up the next morning, we took apart the tent pretty early, since we didn't exactly get a lot of sleep. We went for a nice hike in Mosaic Canyon, near Stovepipe Wells (just south). At the beginning of the hike, we were walled in by colorful (almost marble-like) rock walls that stretched upward above us for about 50 feet. At some points, it was fairly narrow, getting to about 3 feet wide as we climbed over boulders during the ascent. Once toward the top of the climb, it opened up to a riverbed of sorts and we walked for another half mile or so before turning back.
  • After the hike, we headed toward the Charcoal Kilns and goldmines. We got to an old abandoned gold mine in the foothills of the western range of Death Valley. Several entrances to the mines were seen, but all were locked/wired/boarded shut. It was windy, and COLD! Snow was on the ground. We explored the area a bit, then headed to the chimney kilns. We made the turnoff on the road to get there (just before the mountain pass) and as we got higher up the mountain, there was more and more snow on the road. The paved road soon turned to gravel, where the snow was even thicker. Eventually we realized (after we began sliding backward) that the car was just not going to make it up the hill. This was a good time to turn back, which we did. We took a few seldom traveled park roads through the passes to the western part of the park, the Panamint Valley. The drive was really pretty but a bit monotonous through the pass - great views of the scenery, but really, it's desert...
  • We arrived in Panamint Springs, a small outpost in the Valley, in early afternoon. Near the campground we located, there was a gas station and bar/restaurant. We got gas, checked out the campground and then went to the bar for beers. We ended up talking to one of the owners about the whole complex (called the Panamint Springs Resort). A family owned all three, with a brother in the family doing different jobs (running the restaurant, campground, gas station, etc.). We had been sitting at the bar with a few beers when it started snowing. The bartender informed us that this had happened 3 weeks prior, but it had been 13 years since it had last snowed.
  • We went across the road and set up our campsite (7$) and then decided to go for a hike at Darwin Falls, just down the road. Great hike, through canyon, over rocks and streams to a waterfall.
  • Back at camp, we had another beer at the bar then went to the site and built a fire, where we hung out, ate dinner (chicken and corn) and had beers.
  • We woke up Sunday morning, having slept so much better that night since the wind wasn't as bad but the tent (not able to be staked) had magically shrunk in size during the night - at times there were pretty heavy gusts.
  • We packed up and drove back east over the western (Panamint) Range and back into Death Valley. We took a northern road for about 20 miles to Titus Canyon and went for a hike there.
  • Back on the main road in the park, we headed east and left the park toward Beatty, NV. Once in Nevada, we stopped in Rhyolite, a ghost town and checked out the area. Heading back toward Vegas, we had plans to stay the night in Valley of Fire State Park, which is just about 45 minutes northeast of the city. Before passing through Vegas, we stopped at Tenaya Creek Brewery and had a beer.
  • We got to the park about an hour later. It reminded us both of Arches National Park in Utah. V of F is Nevada's oldest and largest state park. It has lots of sandstone arches and rock formations. In addition, there were 4,000 year old petroglyphs on the cliff walls. We explored the park for a while (seeing the different rock formations and petrified wood) before finding a place to camp. Our campsite was quite nice - no one was around, since we had selected a walk-in site away from everyone. It was quiet, with great views of the surrounding valley. We had a couple beers, built a fire and had dinner. Dinner was chicken and potatoes.
  • As it got dark, the coyotes started to howl in the distance, making us a little uneasy. To add to our jitters, a bunch of kangaroo mice were invading our campsite the entire night, and we had to keep chasing them away. Overall, a great place to camp - great weather, scenery.
  • The next morning, we packed up and headed to Vegas (after eating at Ihop in North Las Vegas), where we caught our flight back to Memphis.

11 May 2011

Chile, South America (Part 3)

December 22-Jan 2, 2011
  • December 29 - Happy Birthday to Nick! 33 years old.
  • Everyone woke around 7:30 and finished packing the rest of our stuff. We met with Patricia before leaving, to check out (and inform her of the situation with the fridge). She wasn't too upset, but we did leave her plenty of money to get it fixed.
  • We departed Pucón at 8:15. After about an hour, we stopped for gas (100$), then continued driving for a couple more hours. There was an excessive amount of construction on Route 5, which caused some delays, but nothing major. It was really more of an annoyance. In Linares, we ate at a pizza place called Pizza Express (no Big 10 special). Finally, we ended up in the Colchagua Valley, near Santa Cruz around 4:30 or so, and stopped at a winery called Viu Manent. The Valley is regarded as one of the best wine regions in the world. The guy at Viu Manent gave a very detailed and informative description of the wines we were tasting (7 for 7,000$ CLP) - it took about 30 minutes to get through all of them.
  • We left the winery and got to Terra Vina, the hotel we had reserved, and checked in. The hotel is situated in the middle of a vineyard and is run by a Dutch lady. Each room has a balcony overlooking the fields of grapes. We settled in and made our way to the common area and had a couple bottles of wine and cheese and sat on the patio for a while, chatting and relaxing (which was very easy to do). Angie presented Nick with a custom knitted red and white (go Hoosiers) winter hat for his birthday. We also met a nice couple from Washington, DC who had been in Patagonia, touring. We swapped some stories, then it was time for dinner. We went to an Italian restaurant called Vino Bello situated just a couple hundred meters through the vineyard (there were signs to guide guests through so as not to get lost).
  • At dinner, we had a really nice waiter who was very helpful but spoke virtually no English. Initially, we were seated on the large patio behind the restaurant. We started with a couple bottles of wine and beers. Nick ordered pesto/mushroom fettuccine, Angie and Adam both had gnocchi, Carrie had a Mediterranean salad, and Brad had spaghetti. The food was delicious. The waiter was really attentive and even brought Nick tiramisu for his birthday. After dinner we took the road back to the hotel instead of walking back through the vineyard in the dark, then called it a night around 11:30.
  • In the morning, we ate breakfast at the hotel, then got packed up and left around 10:30. The Dutch woman at the hotel recommended a few wineries so we opted for Las Ninas, which was pretty close. Again, this winery was pretty inexpensive (around 5,000$ CLP for 5 glasses). Perhaps it's the region (Maipo) that we were in. After the tasting, we bought a few bottles then got back on the road, going through downtown Santa Cruz and visiting the Colchagua Museum, which chronicled the history of the region, and contained many artifacts from the area. This area was also hit pretty hard by the earthquake of February 2010. Most of the damage had been repaired, but there were a lot of buildings and roads that still were in need of repair. Going north through San Fernando via Route 5 we stopped for lunch at a place on the main road in San Fernando called En Familia Centro. We were there for a while, eating, chatting and having drinks. It was around 5:30 by the time we got back on the road for Santiago.
  • We arrived in the city after driving a bit, and had some trouble finding the hotel (Marriott) but ended up getting checked in ok eventually. Both rooms were on the 22nd floor with great views of the city. Once we had settled in, we took advantage of the executive lounge on the 23rd floor for drinks and hors d'oeuvres. The rest of the evening we laid low. Nick and Angie went to the mall adjacent to the hotel to check on a camera battery or charger for Angie's camera with no luck. After a few drinks in the hotel lobby bar the night was called.
  • Friday the 31st, we ate breakfast then took the SUV back to the airport. We didn't have any issues returning the vehicle, aside from the challenging Americans (Canadians) who took forever in line in front of us. From the airport, we took a cab back into the city, to the Bella Vista area adjacent to Cerro San Cristobal (St. Christopher Hill). We got dropped off in front of a restaurant and after the cab departed, Nick realized that he had left the camera in the cab. The waiter called the cab company and within 20 minutes or so the driver returned with the camera, for which he was rewarded 5,000$ CLP. We ate, had a couple drinks, then walked to the hill to get on the funicular that goes up to the top. At the top of the hill, we got great views of the city. The Virgin Mary statue and church provided a place of worship (we did not). Once we got back to the bottom, we decided to walk a bit, heading into the downtown area. In the Plaza de Armas, the Santiago Cathedral, National Historical Museum, and other historic buildings surrounded the square. There were a ton of people hanging out, waiting for the evening's festivities. At a department store, Angie bought a bag for the return flight, then we all took the subway back to the hotel.
  • We rested up, ate, and had a few drinks, then checked with the concierge about a place to hang out for New Year's. He recommended a place called Urracas and scheduled a cab. At 9:30, we loaded up and the driver took us...to an empty club. Turns out it didn't open till after midnight. We were kind of kicking ourselves for not having made plans earlier, but just opted to head back to the hotel and hang out there. We gathered in Carrie and Adam's room with all the booze and snacks we could find. We drank a bit then went to the executive lounge where we partied with several others that were there also counting down. At midnight there was a great view of the fireworks from downtown and also of the hill on the East side of the city. Had a few more drinks after that, then laid the year to rest.
  • Jan 1 - happy new year! We ate breakfast and took the subway downtown. No one was on the street at all. The only people out were the Carabineros, the Chilean National Police force. We made our way to the Central Market and walked around for a bit. There wasn't really much to see; fishmongers and restaurants filled the entire place. We ate lunch at one of them, then jumped on the subway to get back to the hotel.
  • Once back, we gathered our stuff, packed up, and checked out. It was about 4 PM, and our flight was at 10:30 PM. A cab was scheduled for 7 PM, so we hung out at the pool for a couple hours, then ate at the lobby restaurant (horrible, expensive service).
  • At 7, we jumped in a cab and went to the airport. We hung out in the Skyclub for a bit then boarded the flight...we were all together to ATL. The flight wasn't too bad - still, 9.5 hours on a plane sucks. Finally made it back to Memphis around 8 AM.