Cancun, Mexico
March 11-13, 2010
- Brad flew into Cancun on March 10 and Nick on the 11th. Zoetry sent a driver to the airport to transport guests to the resort. The ride there was a stylish one - a Lincoln Navigator, with champagne and air conditioned seats. At Zoetry, lots of peacocks and parrots had the run of the place, as well as a stray alligator here and there.
The rooms were great - most of all for the 'endless luxury' that included fully stocked bar, and a bottle of tequila with setup.
- Service at all the restaurants was excellent, as each provided a full dinner experience with several courses served. Breakfast was outside, next to the parrots in their trees, and a harpist playing nice soothing music. Carrie and Laura may or may not have demanded a hamburger from one at dinner, according to Tony. Brad may or may not have attempted to engage in fisticuffs with the server at another (according to everyone). He also may have provided lapdancing at no charge.
- Poolside service was also a bonus - the pool attendants were really quick to make sure that no one had an empty glass, or if anyone was hungry, they provided a menu and brought food. One of them also made sure to save us lounge chairs each morning after receiving a 20$ tip.
- The resort also had games and competitions, like a dart tournament (Adam won) and ping pong tournament (Nick lost in the championship game). Prizes were t-shirts and other resort-branded items.
- During the few days we were at the resort, several activities were lined up for us. Brad and Carrie enjoyed a massage. Nick had a reflexology massage. The 6 of us also got to experience a sweat lodge. Around 5 PM, we all gathered outside of a round stucco hut and were led inside (with a few other resorters) by the "shaman" who then proceeded to close us in this dark, unventilated 'room' and pour water on scalding rocks. Whilst doing so, he chanted things about letting the bad thoughts out and breathing in good thoughts. The consensus after this (interesting) experience was that the only thing going into our bodies was steam and bullshit. But we rode it out. It was actually a pleasant, relaxing time for some (Nick) and a nightmare for others (everyone).
- The next day we all went on a private catamaran ride in the early afternoon. The trip was great. The crew catered alcohol and appetizers to start out, then served a full meal.
At the halfway point, we anchored, then went snorkeling. There was another catamaran anchored nearby within no time, where those suckers (about 20 of them) also jumped out and were allowed to explore the coral. Needless to say, their boat appeared to be something that one might witness trying to get to Florida from Cuba. Seaworthy, sure. But worthy? Not a chance. After snorkeling, we went to the shore, where the crew allowed us to jump out of the boat and swim ashore for 30 minutes or so. On the ride back the crew pointed out a nude resort, not too far from Zoetry. Brad and Laura felt the need to check it out on their own, so on the last day we were there, they walked down the beach and had themselves a look-see. They weren't impressed. "Gross" people, was the report.
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