July 29-August 5
Washington, Oregon
- Flight from Memphis to Seattle. Arriving in Seattle, we learn Nick's bag ended up in Minneapolis instead. Airline promises to deliver the bag to Krista and Larry's house, where we will be staying that night.
- We picked up the rental car (a pimpin silver Hyundai Sonata) and drove to Angie and David's in Covington. We ended up driving into the city and had lunch and beers (Mac & Jack) in Fremont
Brian, Brad, Angie, David
- After lunch we made our way to Krista and Larry's, had a beer, then went to Hale's for a few. That evening we went to Capital Hill and played pool and had drinks. After getting back to K & L's place that night, the bag was delivered. We were drunk and tired, and ended up in bed by about 1:30.
- Mileage 77
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