Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico
August 3-12
- We packed up our tent and belongings at Toroweap and began the long journey back to normal roads. If we could make it...
Driving out on the same bumpy, grinding road, the Mazda held up and got us back. After exiting at the entrance to the area, we still had another hour or so on the dirt desert road. We took a fork that led us west (since we were going to be heading west on the highway once we reached it). This road was less traveled, and certainly less maintained. Sand was up to a foot deep in some places, making it feel like we were driving through deep snow.
- Finally reaching AZ-389, we headed W/N and into Utah, going West toward I-15. We headed West on I-15 then took 12/169 South through Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada toward the Hoover Dam.
- We reached Hoover Dam and explored the dam and its museum a bit. Temps outside were well above 115 degrees. Very cool place's a pretty incredible sight.
- After leaving Hoover Dam, we drove on to Las Vegas. We stayed at Harrah's on the strip. After eating dinner, we went to check out Bodies the Exhibition. Had some beers at a few different casinos, walked around, lost some money, then called it a night.
- The next morning (Aug 12), we packed up, drove to the airport, and headed back to Memphis.
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